Environmental Responsibility
XL’s commitment to sustainable development is reflected in such activities as:
- Using advanced environment-friendly technologies,
- Minimizing pollutant emissions,
- Making prudent use of raw materials,
- Monitoring our manufacturing processes and their environmental footprint,
- Promoting environmental education and green behaviors.

Patient Awareness
Patient education is the process by which health professionals and others impart information to patients and their caregivers that will alter their health behaviors or improve their health status. Health education in XL is also a tool used by managed care plans, and may include both important elements of patient education are skill building and responsibility: patients need to know when, how, and why they need to make a lifestyle change. The value of patient education can be summarized as follows:
• Improved understanding of medical condition, diagnosis, disease, or disability.
- Improved understanding of methods and means to manage multiple aspects of medical condition.
- Improved self-advocacy in deciding to act both independently from medical providers and in interdependence with them.
For the pharmaceutical industry, the impact of patient-centred promotional objects is much more far-reaching benefits that can be gained from engaging with patients in a more meaningful partnership that:
Responsibility For Products
Operating in the pharmaceutical industry, we accept the responsibility for human health and life. That is why the quality of our products and the safety of patients are our priorities.
- We care for quality at each stage of the product development, production, storage, distribution and sale.
- Our products are manufactured in accordance with the highest standards of the Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP).
- Our manufacturing facilities are GMP certificated by EU, Australia, Brazil, Thailand . . . . .
• We use the latest technologies which ensure the safety of products, employees and the environment.

Responsibility For Employees
Employees are the company’s success factor – they use their knowledge and expertise to achieve the company’s goal. Therefore, XL pays much attention to the training of employees and their career development. The aim of these projects was to increase business competitiveness by improving professional skills of the employees and providing new knowledge acquisition.